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The Giappichelli magazines are a fundamental tool for updating and analyzing the sector by illustrious scholars.

The format and frequency of issue vary according to the magazine.

Consult the general terms and conditions for our periodicals.

Rivista Corporate Governance

The Journal is a work tool mainly for scholars, but also professionals, legal practitioners, entrepreneurs and business managers, aware of the complexity but also of the great opportunities of disciplines related to Corporate Governance.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Il diritto fallimentare e delle società commerciali

The Journal is dedicated to doctrinal study and analysis of jurisprudence. The Observatory of Jurisprudence and Legislation reports the most significant and controversial judgments of courts and tribunals.

Periodicity: every two months.

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Rivista di Diritto Societario

The Journal examines Italian company law and its applications and jurisprudential interpretations in the context of the European Union and in a permanent dialogue with the international scientific community.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Il Diritto dell’Unione Europea

The Journal, directed by Antonio Tizzano, publishes articles relating directly or indirectly to the legal-institutional aspects of the European integration process. The articles are written in Italian, French, English or Spanish.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Tributario

The Journal is made up of two sections: Doctrine, Jurisprudence which converge comments, materials and documents relating to general principles and sources, IRES, IRPEF, VAT, IRAP and local taxes, Taxes on transfers and other taxes, European and international profiles, Implementation of the tax, Sanctions and litigation, Concessions.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Associazione Italiana Avvocati Famiglia e Minori

The AIAF Journal examines the issues debated in doctrine and jurisprudence, the current legislation on family, juvenile and personal law. The positions of the AIAF and the contributions of lawyers, university professors, judges, experts in psycho-social disciplines and mediators are published.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Diritto Sportivo

The Journal embraces the multiplicity of knowledge that crosses sports law: public law and private law first of all, but also civil procedural law, European Union and comparative law, criminal law.

Frequency: every six months.

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Il Lavoro nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni

A digital Journal, directed by Franco Carinci and Sandro Mainardi, which addresses the entire universe of privatized public work, aware of the peculiarities and differences of individual sectors, sectors and public administrations.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Variazioni su temi di Diritto del Lavoro

A digital Journal, directed by Avv. Enrico Gragnoli, who deals with specific issues of labor law in an in-depth and timely manner. It contains sentences, in particular those of the judges of merit, with succinct comments and of applicative value.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Massimario di Giurisprudenza del Lavoro

A digital magazine founded in 1947 and directed by Roberto Pessi, Giampiero Proia, Antonio Vallebona. Traditionally it is aimed at experts in labor, trade union and social security law.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Diritto delle Assicurazioni

The Journal offers in-depth reflections on the roots, developments and perspectives of the major issues of insurance law. It provides a complete overview of Supreme Court decisions and many substantive rulings on the matter. Each pronouncement is accompanied by an author's comment.

Frequency: quarterly.

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Il Nuovo Diritto delle Società

A digital journal, headed by Oreste Cagnasso and Maurizio Irrera since March 2007, which analyses corporate law and the broader law concerning business; tax law to crisis; public corporations, trusts and trust negotiations.

Frequency: monthly.

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Diritto ed Economia dell’Impresa

The Journal covers macroeconomics and microeconomics, business economics, economics and business management, commercial law, law of insolvency proceedings, law of financial intermediaries, labor law, administrative law, tax law, criminal law, international and community law.

Frequency: bimonthly.

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Giurisprudenza Arbitrale

The journal reports the contribution of institutional subjects, practitioners, professionals and scholars on arbitral awards, both of administered arbitrations and ad hoc arbitrations, the judgments rendered in appeals of awards, and of course contributions of scientific commentary and insight.

Frequency: semi-annually.

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Cardiologia Ambulatoriale

The journal hosts different categories of articles, including: editorials, reviews, original articles, clinical research, case reports, viewpoints, short communications and letters to the editor, and journal club. There are columns on electrocardiography, echocardiography, metabolism and cardiovascular risk, and forensic cardiology.

Frequency: quarterly.


Processo Penale e Giustizia

The Journal, headed by Professor Adolfo Scalfati, is devoted to the criminal process, the judicial and penitentiary system, and the discipline on corporate liability. News and commentary are regularly published on the journal's website.

Frequency: bimonthly.

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Tax News

Supplement to the Quarterly Journal of Tax Law, offers weekly articles, rulings, editorials, posts and material on the most current and discussed topics; points out and deepens settled and new institutes, analyses the most popular and most original orientations. Periodicity: semiannual + weekly updates.

Frequency: semiannual + weekely updates.

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Open Access Journals

Orizzonti del Diritto Commerciale

The Horizons of Commercial Law (ODC Review) is an online scholarly periodical, published quarterly, which can be accessed in open access mode. No subscription is required.

Frequency: four-monthly.

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Regolazione dei mercati

Frequency: semiannually.

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LawArt is a Journal of Law, Art and History. LawArt is a publishing proposal that stems from the history of law and aspires to interdisciplinary dialogue.


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Jus Civile

The journal, pertaining to the area of private law, aims to contribute, in a phase marked by the legal complexity induced by regulatory polycentrism and multilevel protection of rights, to the enrichment of the doctrinal debate, with a view to offering significant contributions to the issues, both classic and more recently emerging, proposed by legislative and jurisprudential experience.

Frequency: bimonthly.

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